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Nama saintifik:

Cheilocostus speciosus 


Royal Herb Garden



1.  Merawat sakit gigi, telinga dan gatal kulit.

     Treat toothache, ear ache and itchy skin.

2.  Merawat gatal kulit.

     To treat skin itches.

3.  Merangsang pertumbuhan rambut dan membunuh kutu kepala.

     To promote hair growth and eliminate hair lice.

4.  Demam panas.


5.  Penyakit kulit (Kusta, cacar, kudis).

      Skin disease (Leprosy, smallpox, scabies).

6.  Mencuci perut, dan merawat loya, pening dan muntah.

      Cleans stomach, and treat nausea, dizziness and vomiting.

7.  Selepas bersalin.

      Post delivery.


1.  Panaskan daun dan titiskan jus ke dalam telinga.

     Warm the leaves and drip the juice into affected ear.

2.  Daun ditumbuk dan ditampal di tempat berkenaan.  

      Pound the leaves and apply onto the affected areas.

3.  Lendir lidah jin disapukan di kepala. 

      Rub the plant sap on the head.

4.  Daun dilumat dan dijadikan penuam pada kepala.

      Leaves are crushed and used as a poultice on the head.

5.  Kusta - Batang diasah dan sapu pada kulit. Cacar - Air rebusan batang dijadikan losyen. Kudis - 

      Sapu getahnya pada kulit.

      Leprosy - Stem is honed and applied onto skin. Smallpox - Stem decoction is used as lotion. 

      Scabies - Apply its latex on the skin.

6.  Air perahan rizomnya yang segar dijadikan julap. 

      The rhizome’s fresh juice is used as laxative.

7.  Minum air rebusan rizom selepas bersalin.   

      Drink decoction of rhizome after childbirth.

The Treasure @ Taman Herba Gopeng


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