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1. Kencing manis, darah tinggi, kanser.
Diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer.
2. Melegakan demam.
Relieves fever.
3. Selepas bersalin.
After childbirth.
4. Mengurangkan kolesterol.
Reduces cholesterol.
1. Makan 2-3 helai daun setiap hari sebagai ulam.
Eat 2-3 leaves eevry day as side dish.
2. Minum air rebusan daun.
Drink decoction of leaves.
3. Rebus seluruh pokok dan minum air rebusan.
Boil the whole plant and drink the boiled water.
4. Daun dijadikan ulaman.
Leaves are eaten as side dish.
Amaran/Caution: Tidak sesuai untuk tekanan darah rendah.
Not suitable for low blood pressure.
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