
1. Kudis dan bisul.
Scabies and boils.
2. Mengelakkan serangan serangga perosak pada pokok kelapa sawit.
Prevent pest insect attacks on palm oil trees.
3. Tidur tidak lena.
Restless sleep.
4. Air besar.
5. Selesema.
6. Merawat reumatik sendi.
Treat rheumatism of the joints.
1. Panggang dan hancurkannya. Kemudian, tampal pada tempat terjejas.
Roast and crush it. Then, paste in the affected spot.
2. Tanam di tepi jalan-jalan utama di ladang kelapa sawit.
Plant at the sides of the main roads at oil palm plantation.
3. Minum air rebusan daun dan bunga.
Drink decoction of leaves and flowers.
4. Minum air rebusan bunga.
Drink decoction of flowers.
5. Minum air rebusan daun.
Drink decoction of leaves.
6. Minum air rebusan akar.
Drink decoction of roots.