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1. Demam, darah beku, kanser, sakit sendi, diabetes dan tulang.
Fever, blood clots, cancer, joint and bone pain.
2. Radang kulit.
Skin inflammation.
1. Masukkan beberapa helai daun ke dalam air yang telah didih untuk direbus. Kemudian, minum air rebusan daun.
Put some leaves into the water that has been boiled to boil them. Then, drink the decoction of the leaves.
2. Hiris dan tumbuk daunnya sehingga hancur. Sapukan pada kawasan kulit yang terjejas. Biarkan selama 15 minit sebelum dibilas dengan air bersih.
Slice and pound the leaves until crushed. Apply to the affected skinarea. Leave it for 15 minutes before rinsing with clean water.
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