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1. Darah tinggi.
High blood pressure
2. Masalah buah pinggang.
Kidney problem.
3. Mengawal aras gula dalam darah.
Controls blood sugar level.
4. Membuang toksin badan dan mengubati pelbagai kanser.
Detoxifies body and treats various cancer.
1. Air rebusan daun diminum dua kali sehari. 40 helai daun dan 650ml air direbus sehingga sukatan
menjadi separuh dan diminum.
A decoction of the leaves is drunk twice a day. 40 leaves and 650ml of water are boiled until the
measure becomes half and drunk.
2. Kisar secara halus daunnya, 1/4 jus lemon dan epal hijau yang dibuang kulit lalu minum terus.
Finely blend its leaves along with 1/4 lemon juice and peeled green apple, and then drink the
mixture right after.
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